so heres the deal
i hate my naturally curly/puffy hair but I absolutley ADORE my hair when i first straighten it, then curl it making it have crazy volume. i use a 3/4 barrel curling iron and although it is a little fried sometimes, i am in love with it!
so basically my question is, if i get Japanese hair straightening done to my hair, will I still be able to use a curling iron to get my big curly hair? I NEED BODY AND CURLS TO MAKE ME FEEL SATISFIED. lol. can this be done? if it becomes slightly more difficult for me to hold a curl, i can manage, but will i be able to?
--- i am essentially getting my hair straightened to reduce the heat damage on my hair ( i blowdry/flatiron/curl my hair everyday)
so would making my curly hair look still work?
thanks for your answers!!! any curling products you guys could recommend would be great!
THANKSS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--------------ohh and in case any of you guys were wondering/thinking that its stupid to straighten hair then curl it, i think us girls with curly hair usually understand how different it looks. lolJAPANESE HAIR STRAIGHTENING! i am incredibly NERVOUS. will i still be able to CURL my hair afterward?. . .?
well ... if by ';Japanese Hair Straightening'; you mean getting your hair chemically straightened. Than well...i have done that to my hair. and at first you wont be able to do it. Maybe a month or so. And than after that you can do what ever... =P
hope i helped! :)
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