bought a babyliss curling iron and tried to make hair wavy and it wont even curl. My hair is naturally curly with frizz and i straighten it then usse the curling ironHow do you make your hair wavy?
try some hair spray.
spray your hair with the hair spray, and then roll it up, then when its up spray it again, then let it out and use some more
-- you guessed it -- hair spray.
then when you're done with your hair... do I even have to say use hair spray?
I like herbalessences Set Me Up hair spray.
the aresol one is gr8/
lol sorry for sounding like someone trying to sell something. (:How do you make your hair wavy?
you can buy a crimp hot iron where you can change the staus and put on a wavy medel part :) or you can take a shower then braid yours hair when its wet then the next day take it out and its wavy
if you straighten your hair first, there is no way it is going to curl with a curling iron right afterwards. your best bet is to blow your hair straight with a blowdryer, and then use the curling iron to curl. it has the same effect as a straightener, leaving your hair smooth and silky. or you could just try straightening the top half of your hair and using a curling iron on the bottom.
for wavy hair, though, i think you should wash your hair at night, braid it, and sleep with it that way. in the morning it should be dry. spray it with water (using a spray bottle, and only very lightly damp), and use tresemme tres hold mousse to scrunch the waves.
you're really stupid!
if your hair are naturaly curly, then why straighten and then try and use a curling iron? now you can struggle cause of your stupidness!
curly is way to general do you want like natural curles or those fashionally ringlet ones that are popular now. If you want the fashionable ones i would blow dry my hair straightish but don't worry about making too straight then curle it in sections. If you want the natural ones you should schrunch your hair while to you blow dry it put some moose in before you blow dry and about half way dry spray it it will look big and curly while still looking tame
xoxo have fun with that
you can braid ur hair after u shower. just keep it like that for a long time. thats a way.
Straighten it and wait until it's half curly, half straight
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