is there any method to have a consistancy of curls throughout your hair...sections perhaps? any tips so the curls wont frizz and stay in place? answers are greatly appreciated and 10 pts to best answer (: qood luck!HOW WOULD YOU STYLE YOUR HAiR WiTH A CURLiNG iRON? (10 PTS)?
Consistency of curls? I'm not ure really what you man by that but sectioning your hair is a must to make sure that you don't miss any strands and so you can make each curl the same thickness. Also, a 1 1/2 inch barrel is a multi purpose size for medium to long hair, if you get a largr barrel and your hair is too short, you'll end up with wavy hair.
To prevent frizz, make sure your hair is completely dry before curling if you have just washed it. If your hair is still wet, the heat of the curling iron can actually steam and damage your hair (and cause frizz). Apply a defrizzing hair serum and heat protectant before you start.If you hair is VERY prone to frizz, you can blow dry it smooth with a paddle brush or use a flat iron first!
After curling each section, spray with an aerosol hairspray and let them cool completely before running your hands through them. For extra staying power, you can in pin your curls while they cool. All you have to do is loosen the barrel a little until you can slide the iron out while holding your hair in the tube shape with your other hand, use a bobby pin to secure and move on to the next section!
Extra point: to make sure you don't end up with flat roots, put the roots between the iron and then wrap the rest of the length around the barrel, that's how pros do it at salons!HOW WOULD YOU STYLE YOUR HAiR WiTH A CURLiNG iRON? (10 PTS)?
I make sure my hair is mostly DRY actually - not damp b/c then it will frizz. Just grab a piece of hair, curl it with a HOT iron and continue to grab additional sections that are under the section just curled. After all is completed, do not brush through, but first use a gel or setting cream - get it all over your hands and lightly scrunch all of your hair. Then you can tease, or gently tossle the hair afterwards. When it's how you like it, spray with hairspray to set. And don't handle too much later - it can get frizzy or the curl will fall out (depending on whether you have natural wave to your hair or if it's normally stick-straight).
definitely section your hair.
first, part it as if you were going to part it in the middle, and put it in two pony tails on the side. second, take out each pig tail at a time and divide it in half horizontally, you will now have four sections, quartering your head.
now, choose a side you want to curl first (most people have healthier hair on one side which will curl easier and will stay curled longer, find this side) and divide the pony tail you half, and depending on how thick or how much hair you have you will need to curl it accordingly. while the curling iron is wrapped up with your hair grab your hair spray (i choose schwarzkopf got2b styltini after hours, 24 hour laminating shine hairspray) and spray for five seconds. curl for the time it usually take your hair to curl (i dont give you a time for this because different people have different hair depending on thickness and coarseness)
reapeat until your entire head is full of lovely curls and spray once more with hairspray to give it a final strong hold.
Your hair shouldn't be wet because when the heat of the curling iron get rid of the water it also damages your hair. Divide your hair into different section and curl it you can use sprays to help with frizzing and do not be in the dew at nights because the moist in the air causes your hair to frizz.
You should try pin curling your hair. That helps your curls stay in place and be bouncy without a lot of hairspray. This works the best because when you first curl your hair its hot and will unravel after a certain amount of time but when you pin curl it and allow your hair to get cool it will stay and look pretty.
wash you hair and put some anti firzz creme/gel and let it dry.. after you divide you hair in sections depending on the thickness of the curl(thick sections for thick curls thin sections for thin curls) then curl all the sections... after apply a anti frizz spray or serum then some hairspray for a finishing touch,,,,
shower then blow it dry. dont blow it straight just blow it dry. then take about 2 inches of hair and curl it with the curling iron keep doing this until ur hair is fully curled. u might wanna try using a heat protective spray so your hair is more shiny. then once ur hair is fully curled out it back in a very small half pony. just take a tiny amount from each side and pin it together with a cute clip
Always section!makes it easier
use products, like serum or mousse or gel
try using rollers on damp hair, tongs on dry hair
or go to your salon and ask them to do it for you while teaching you how to do it on yourself. treat yourself! and buy the products they use on you!
If your in uk, ghd curls are amazing!
use a curling iron
divide in 3 section
then start at the bottom spray light very lightly with hair spray
then grab some hair curl until its all done,and shake your
hair to make it loose i suggest using dove extra hold hair spary
make sure your hair is between wet and dry and your hair is clean curl in different sections.
just curl your hair it'll look fine have confidence! you'll look great
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